Press Release:  3rd Congressional Democrats of Wisconsin Elect Six Delegates to the National Democratic Convention. 

Press Release:  3rd Congressional Democrats of Wisconsin Elect Six Delegates to the National Democratic Convention. 

The 3rd Congressional District Democrats of Wisconsin elected six delegates to represent Western Wisconsin at the Democratic National Convention. The elections were held at the 3rd CD DNC Caucus on Sunday, May 19 in Plover, WI. 

The 2024 Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, Illinois on August 19-22, 2024. The convention is a major event in the life of a political party, and convention delegates are at the heart of all decisions made. In addition to voting for the party’s presidential and vice presidential nominees, delegates to the Democratic National Convention have an opportunity to vote on the party’s platform and resolutions, as well as the rules that govern the party. 

Representing the 3rd CD will be William Garcia from La Crosse County, Gary Hawley from Portage County, Elizabeth McDonald from Portage County, Linda Norton from Eau Claire County, Philip Swanhorst from Eau Claire County and Jan Way from Portage County. 

Wisconsin will elect a total of 95 delegates and 7 alternates for the 2024 convention. In addition, Wisconsin will select 3 members to serve on each of the convention’s three standing committees: Credentials, Platform, and Rules. In order to run as a delegate, you must be 18 years old on or before November 5, 2024, be a resident of Wisconsin, a U.S. citizen, and be a registered voter in the district in which you are running.



